from vision to Implementation


professional service with quality and customer satisfaction

Supporting companies with their social and environmental concerns in their business operations

Rowland Potter ECS on the railway bridge

As the director of a company, you are responsible for any actions and their impact on your employees, stakeholders and communities.

This could include things like how you manage your impact on the environment, how you support activities that aim to solve social problems (such as poverty and discrimination), the way your company conducts business and how you treat your employees.

By being a good role model, you will attract talent with the right skills and ethics and retain them far better.

So, where do you start in becoming a responsible corporate citizen?

Executive Consultancy Services Ltd are here to guide you!

  • Be a fair and honest director

  • Commit to protecting the environment

  • Adopt a business code of ethics

  • Treat employees responsibly

Rowland Potter ECS professional coaching

Our consultation is always in sync with your strategy

We provide up to 8 hours per week to individuals or organisations of any size to improve the lives of those currently homeless or struggling with substance abuse or recovery.

Book a call to discuss how this could work for you or your organisation.

Why We’re Passionate About Corporate Social Responsibility

Our Managing Director is a recovering alcoholic with an impressive 25-year sobriety.

He had a successful career in sales and marketing within Estate Agency, Insurance and Commercial Radio Sales before walking away from his life one day and ultimately sleeping rough.

The drink became his way of masking reality.

Having suffered from his addiction in the areas of London and Essex, he spent three weeks in a locked psychiatric ward in Warley Hospital Brentwood, Essex.

However, he was swiftly released due to the conclusion of professionals that he didn’t have a mental illness appropriate for that incarceration, despite having struggled with severe anxiety and depression from childhood trauma.

When things became unbearable, and suicide had not been successful, he was admitted to a three-month, 12-step programme rehab in Lambeth South London, where his recovery journey began.

Beating this illness, he has successfully carved out a career within transport and infrastructure and was most recently Head of Transport for Cambridgeshire and Peterborough Mayoral Combined Authority from 2019 to 2022.

In June of 2022, he launched Executive Consultancy Services Ltd as a transport and infrastructure consultancy and advisory service linking government authorities (National, Regional and Local) with Technical Design and Delivery organisations, with the intent of accelerating the delivery of projects for the betterment of communities.

In addition, he has committed to offering up to 8 hours per week (416 hours per year) voluntarily at zero cost to individuals suffering from homelessness or addiction and organisations, irrespective of size, that actively support homelessness and addiction recovery.

It’s important to us to pass on the kindness and support others with the same amazing experiences Rowland received that enabled his life to transform so dramatically.